Pottery-wise, I am somewhat behind this week due to a screwed up back. I can't figure out what happened unless it was from leaning into the engine compartment of one of the cars and pulling on an air-conditioner drain tube - must have pulled a muscle in the process. Anyway, that put me out of commission for the weekend and last night I couldn't stand it anymore and worked at the wheel for about three hours. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but I managed to get started on some mugs for a show in September and I am still alive to talk about it!
Time to pull some turtle molds made out of sculpey from the oven and head over to the shop to finish last night's mugs. I will have a booth at the Indian Summer Festival in Hertford in September and wanted to have some "turtle-ware" available. One of the highlights of the day at the festival will be the crowning of the Turtle Princess and the Turtle Queen! More on that later.
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