Sunday, November 6, 2011

Video, Randy Brodnax and Don Ellis Workshop, and Open House

This is just a quick post to let you know about a few important events happening this weekend and next.  And, I have a chance to try sharing a video of me throwing a pot for a worship service Susan conducted on The Potter's Hands at church.  I don't know how to add music at this point, but if you do a search for the song Potter's Hands, you will be able to hear all sorts of versions of this praise song - it's one of my favorite songs.  Susan took a video of me going through the process of making this pot and while she showed it in the service on a screen, I was actually throwing a pot in the sanctuary.  It really was interesting in that both the video and myself throwing live were in-synch.


Besides the pottery worship service, I wanted to share two other things that are happening this month at the studio.  First, we have a two day workshop with Randy Brodnax and Don Ellis this weekend.  If you haven't seen any of their work, you can check out some videos on the Ceramic Arts Daily page.  I am really looking forward to this workshop and hope to learn a lot - especially about raku firing, which is their specialty.

The other thing that I want to share is the annual Finch Potters Open House next Sunday.  If you have never attended one of these Open Houses, it is worth the journey if you are close enough to Bailey, North Carolina.  Sixty potters in one place present a full day's worth of observing and shopping.

Go to for more information on both the Open House and this weekend's workshop.

Hope to see you at the Open House if you are in the area.

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